b"AMERICAN BOARD OF PERIODONTOLOGYDIPLOMATE INTERVIEWimprovement. Fortunately, the ABP began discussions on the continuing certification process late in 2021 and moved to investigate new approaches in early 2022.Dr. Darcey: How did the ABP Directors Caitlin Darcey, DMD, MSCharles A. Powell, DDS, MSdecide on ABPerio Minute as the new Member, ABP Continuing ABP Interim Director of continuing certification platform?Certification Committee Continuing Certification Dr. Powell: At each Directors' meeting there is a focus The American Board of Periodontology (ABP) is excited to offeron providing ongoing value to our Diplomates. The its Diplomates an innovative way to refresh your periodontal andDirectors strongly believe that the Boards partnership dental implant knowledge. The ABP, in coordination with the AIMEwith Diplomates shouldnt end after the attainment of Center, has created a learning platform, ABPerio Minute, that canboard certification, but instead be a lifelong engagement be accessed on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device. Thethat promotes their professional development. The ABPs new platform has been in development over the past two yearsgoal was to create a platform that a) incorporates valid with full rollout planned for January 2025. ABPerio Minute replacesmetrics to demonstrate proficiency, and b) promotes the prior recertification process, which required Diplomates to takepersonalized knowledge acquisition and continuous an exam every six years to maintain certification. In this issue ofassessment. All of this is being provided at no additional Periospectives, Caitlin Darcey DMD, MS, ABP Continuing Certificationcost to you. After further discussions, the ABP Directors Committee member, interviews Charles Powell DDS, MS, ABP Interimapproved the development of a pilot project in October of Director of Continuing Certification. 2022. Throughout the Spring of 2023, the ABP worked closely with the AIME Center developers to create ABPerio Dr. Darcey: What is the reason for the shift toMinute. ABPerio Minute is a user-friendly, lifelong learning continuing certification?cloud-based platform for ABP Diplomates that promotes personalized knowledge acquisition and assessment with Dr. Powell: All dental specialty boards are governed by the Nationalminimal time commitment.Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards (NCRDSCB). In 2022 the NCRDSCB made a specific changeDr. Darcey: What sets ABPerio Minute to its Operation of Boards requirements that each Board must followapart from other methods to maintain and to continue to be a NCRDSCB-recognized Board. Specifically, the newenhance my knowledge of periodontics and language states that each certifying board must require its Diplomatesdental implant surgery?to engage in lifelong learning and encourage continuous quality44"