b"B Y J A M E S G . W I L S O N , D M DtoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEThings are looking brighter in 2021As we head into the summer of 2021, it is wonderfulIn the spirit of providing high-quality periodontal to report that the prospects for our Academy and itseducation to all members of the dental team, the members are dramatically brighter than they wereAAP was thrilled with the turn out at the recent one year ago. We can all take pride in the resilienceVirtual Dental Hygiene Symposium. If you missed we have exhibited since March of 2020, and whileany of these three webinars, they will be made we are certainly not out of the woods with COVID-19,available to members soon. As periodontists, we I believe we can all look to the future with heightenedknow the important role the hygienist plays in wisdom and renewed optimism.comprehensive care. In addition, AAP research with consumers indicated that patients are significantly Of course, the key to ensuring that the future ismore likely to learn about periodontal health from better than the past is education, which makes thea hygienist than another source. As a result, its cover article of this issue of Periospectives especiallyimperative that we equip members with tools and appropriate. Current Perspectives on Periodontalresources to demonstrate to hygienists the unique Education addresses a number of issues thatskill sets of the periodontist and the importance are important for the future of our profession. Iof collaborative patient co-management. To that think the AAPs emphasis on the role predoctoralend, the AAP is in the process of developing a periodontal education can play in ensuring thatprogram to help members more meaningfully future general dentists appreciate the benefits ofengage with dental hygienists. The Academys Task referring appropriate cases to periodontists is spot- Force on Dental Hygiene Engagement recently met on. Additionally, ensuring that future periodontalin Sarasota, Fla. to create a framework for this specialists are being trained to complete competencyprogram and looks forward to presenting its ideas remains an important goal of our post-doctoralto the Board of Trustees in August. Stay tuned for efforts. more information about this important project.There is probably no better symbol of how muchEnjoy this issue of Periospectives and have a conditions have normalized than the fact that thiswonderful summer. I hope to see you in Miami years Annual Meeting will be returning to ourBeach in November!normal in-person format. Personally, I could not be happier to have this meeting take placequiteJames G. Wilson, DMD coincidentally, by the wayin my home state ofPresident Florida. I know Miami Beach will be a wonderfullyAmerican Academy of Periodontologywelcoming venue, and I can assure you that we will be fully implementing the very latest federal, state, and local COVID guidelines to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees. Check out more on the upcoming Annual Meeting beginning on page 10.AAP Periospectives| 5"