b'SCIENCE & INNOVATIONWhat you need to know about post-acute COVID-19 syndromeIn October of 2020, Dr. Kevin M.some reports that patients suffering from post-acute COVID-19 Byrd was named the foundingsyndrome can experience similar manifestations seen during the acute stagelike labored breathing and taste losswhile Anthony R. Volpe Researchothers are experiencing a new collection of disease manifestations Scholar, a new position in thelike mental fogginess, headaches, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, joint pain, or hair loss. Other reports indicate American Dental Association Science &that one-third of patients are suffering either neurological or Research Institute (ADASRI) supported by a five-yearpsychological manifestations, including depression and anxiety, within six months after the initial infection. Moreover, some of the grant from Colgate-Palmolive. In his capacityanddata indicates that post-acute COVID-19 syndrome is affecting as their manager of oral and craniofacial research females at a higher rate than males. Were trying to figure out the who, what, when, where and why of all of this, he explained. Dr. Byrd will help the ADASRI translate its findingsIt does seem that the more severe the initial disease, the more into clinical applications. Much of his focus in hislikely the patient is to experience post-acute COVID-19 syndrome new position will build on the workspearheadedsymptoms.by Dr. Byrdthat was recently reported in a NatureWhat all of this means, Dr. Byrd said, is that periodontal practitionersand all dental practitionersmust realize not Medicine article titled, SARS-CoV-2 infection ofonly that the oral cavity can be directly infected with the SARS-the oral cavity and saliva. According to Dr. Byrd,CoV-2 virus, but that patients infected with the virus could suffer long-term effects. Its going to be essential for all practitioners Well be following up on how the SARS-CoV-2 virusto be able to recognize these long-term effects, to refer patients directly infects the oral cavity, how the immuneto multi-disciplinary teams, and to be a part of the patients care home and referral network. Reports to date suggest that at least system responds to the infection, and what cells10 percent of people who survived the acute stage of COVID-19 subpopulations are communicating to cause disease. will experience at least one symptom of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. As Dr. Byrd points out, this means that at least A COVID-19 sequel three million Americans will have the syndrome. This will be a One development currently capturing much ofpopulation of people we need to be aware of and be able to treat Dr. Byrds attention is the recent detailing of aempathetically, he said, which means that a knowledge base on new disease that has not yet generated as muchthis syndrome needs to be available to all practitioners.awareness as COVID-19: post-acute COVID-19Implications for new indicationssyndrome. Also called long COVID-19 or long haulers, the syndrome is the persistence ofDr. Byrd adds that there are other implications of these findings, COVID-19 symptoms and the development of newparticularly in regions that dont have access to quality dental or ones after people contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus.medical care and may also have seen a low level of mask usage. This includes people who exhibited no symptoms orThese areas might have suffered higher levels of job loss, which mild symptoms during the acute stage. There arecan exacerbate levels of depression, anxiety, bruxism and other conditions. Additionally, Dr. Byrd suspects that there might be AAP Periospectives| 38'