b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerGet to know AAP member and new periodontistOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every day that Reinaldo Deliz-Guzman, DMD. Dr. Deliz- brings you joy?Guzman graduated from his perio residency inSpending the day with my fianc, exploring new areas, restaurants, 2019 from Saint Louis University. or going on weekend trips with her and my dog are the ingredients What is the first thing you do in thefor a great weekend for me.morning? Any advice you would give to a periodontist just starting I wake up, make myself a cup of coffee, takehis/her career?my dog for a walk, and then head into the office.For my new colleagues that are about to start, I would recommend Once I arrive at the office, the first thing we do is havethat if youre planning on joining a practice, do your research to a team meeting to get everyone up to speed and get the staff preparedmake sure that its a group that you will feel comfortable with. Dont for the patients that will be arriving that day. This is a great way for ourbe afraid to try other areas or even move to another state, because team to be best prepared for everything that will be happening. it just might be the best thing to get out of your comfort zone and go How do you schedule your day? someplace new.My schedule is made by our talented treatment coordinators. We usually start at 8 a.m. and work until 5 p.m. My day could have multiple surgeries with new patients sprinkled in between. We usually take an hour or so for lunch, and we use that time to meet with referring offices to catch up or to conduct lunch and learns that buildStudent and New Periodontist our relationships with them. events at the 107 thAnnual Meeting!What is the most challenging part of your day?I would say the most challenging part of the day is getting time to getEV6: Student and New Periodontist Session: Looking into the gym right after work. Backward While Looking ForwardPresented by Dr. David Jolkovsky and Dr. David DuWhat is the most rewarding part of your day? Friday, November 5 from 12:30 - 2 p.m.The most rewarding thing is seeing satisfaction in my patients afterSponsored by Straumanntreatment and seeing them still content at their follow up appointment.Dr. Jolkovsky and Dr. Du will share the lessons they learned Is there a piece of advice you received that you try toselling and buying a periodontal practice. In addition to the implement daily? discussion, there will be handouts, freebies and raffles galore! The best advice I received was when I started working as aLunch will also be served. Later that evening, students and periodontist. A partner in the practice told me to always be in thenew periodontists are invited to attend the Student and New driver seat and not let anyone steer you in the wrong direction. Periodontist Member Reception taking place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. offsite at the Clevelander. What do you like to do after work? Reception sponsored by Treloar & Heisel and MedPro.I like to be able to work out right after work. If its a Friday I doprefer to chill around the pool and have a cocktail and meet upwith friends afterwards.AAP Periospectives| 32'