b'A lot of thought was put into the stakeholders who visit the site in addition to AAP members. With this in mind, the new website will better facilitate media outreach by displaying a news feed right on the home page. This feature will house all of AAPs press releases so they can be easily found in searches by journalists and other media professionals.Patient friendlyGoogle Analytics reports clearly show that the largest groups of non-members who visit perio.org are the general public, which makes the Find a Periodontist function one of the most important features of the site. There are now two places directly on the homepage where the public can find an AAP member periodontist near them. There is a button right in the top navigation as well as a Find a Periodontist tool just below the main rotating banners. There are already dozens of patient resources on perio.org, but with the launch of a new site, these will be updated and enhanced. Its all being done in an effort for members to use the site not just as a resource for themselves, but also for their patients. Behind the curtainNot all of the updates to perio.org will be seen at first glance, but they are important nonetheless. With the launch of the new perio.org, all the pages on the site will finally be responsive. This means that they will reformat when viewing them on a smartphone or tablet. The search function will also be upgraded. If a member has trouble finding content, even with a fresh navigation bar, this feature will ensure that they will still be able to locate the resources they need. This update is one small part of an overarching goal of improving the site layout and meta information to improve overall search results. Better search results will drive more people to the site, and ultimately improve visibility for the Academy. AAP Periospectives| 19'