b'AAP FOUNDATION30 thanniversary campaign rebootIn early 2020, the AAP Foundation initiated a 30 thAnniversary Campaign to celebrate 30 years of your support of education and excellence in periodontology through the Foundations work. 2020 did not work out exactly as planned, so the campaign has been extended through the 2021 Annual Meeting. The AAP Foundation is truly grateful for those who contributed in 2020 and looks forward to celebrating the winning district this November. Please visit 30.periofoundation.org to check your districts standings and help bring home the title! Every dollar contributed to the Foundation supports science, education, and the future of your specialty. To see your generosity in action, check out our latest annual report at periofoundation.org/who-we-are. The AAP Foundation understands that philanthropic giving might not be at the top of your to-do list at the moment and that the coronavirus pandemic has affected the financial situation of many. This is just a reminder that the AAP Foundations 30 thAnniversary Giving Challenge is still open, and every dollar will support students, educators, and the future of periodontology. If you are able, the AAP Foundation would sincerely appreciate your help. Please visit 30.periofoundation.org for more information. AAP Periospectives| 45'