b'Update on the 2021 oral examination encouraged to download and review the Guidelines for Certification In March 2021, the American Board of Periodontology (ABP) wasfound on abperio.org. notified by its independent technology vendor that the secure,2022 oral examinationonline platform for the virtual oral exam had critical system failures and would not be available for use by the ABP. Based on thisThe deadline to register for the 2022 American Board of information, the ABP made the difficult decision to reschedule itsPeriodontology Oral Examination is October 31, 2021. The oral 2021 virtual oral examination to an in-person examination takingexamination will be held May 2May 6, 2022, in Raleigh, North place August 9-14, 2021, in Raleigh, North Carolina. Carolina.Evidence of program completion must be provided before applications are accepted. Candidates are encouraged to download The Board is committed to administering a fair, reliable, unbiased,and review the Guidelines for Certification found on the ABPs website valid, and rigorous examination for all qualified candidates whoat abperio.org. applied in 2020 and 2021. The Board of Directors agreed that an in-person exam format was the only way to insure the reliability,ABP recertificationpredictability, security, and integrity of the examination. The BoardDiplomates who are required to recertify in 2021 were notified in the was able to secure space at the testing facility in Raleigh, Northfirst quarter of the year about the reexamination requirements and Carolina, as well as hotel space for examiners and candidates.process. Recertification must be completed by the end of the year. The Board understands that rescheduling the exam meansPlease visit the ABP website for more information.candidates will have to rearrange their work and personal2020-2021 ABP Board of Directorsschedules, change their strategy for studying, and incur additional expenses for travel and accommodation. We are pleased thatRobert M. Eber, DDS, MS, Chair; James A. Katancik, DDS, PhD, the vast majority of candidates have been able to confirm theirVice Chair; Robert A. Faiella, DMD, M.MSc, MBA, Treasurer; Donald participation in the August exam, and the Board continues to workS. Clem, III, DDS, Immediate Past Chair; David E. Deas, DMD, MS; with those candidates who cannot confirm their participation toCharles A. Powell, DDS, MS; Joe Krayer, DDS, MS; Rodrigo E.F. Neiva, accommodate them in next years exam.DDS, MS; Angela Palaiologou Gallis, DDS, MS; Paul Luepke, DS, MS; Craig Yonemura, DDS, MS. This cohort of candidates has displayed great resiliency, professionalism, and understanding throughout the many changesABP Headquarters (Please note the new phone number)and adaptations to the oral examination schedule brought on by the global pandemic. Their commitment to the profession andAmerican Board of Periodontology the process of board certification speaks highly to the service737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 and talent they will bring to the practice of periodontology. TheChicago, IL 60611 Board is also extremely grateful to the dedicated Board ExaminersPhone: 312-682-0919 who have adapted and changed their professional and personalFax: 312-787-3670schedules many times to participate in the oral examinations. The Board is humbled by the commitment Board Examiners show toABP Staff Contacts:the ABP, the candidates, and the profession.Eileen G. Loranger 2021 qualifying examination Executive Director Eileen.Loranger@abperio.orgThe deadline to register for the 2021 American Board of Periodontology Qualifying Examination is June 15, 2021.Dr. Jeffrey Rossmann Application information can be found on the Boards website atDirector of Examinations abperio.org. The Qualifying Examination will be held AugustJeff.Rossmann@abperio.org1620, 2021, at Pearson Vue testing centers. Candidates areBarbara Robinette Credentialing Program Manager Barbara.Robinette@abperio.orgAAP Periospectives| 42'