b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKWhere can I learn about current and future AAP programs and initiatives?Active Member, San Francisco, CADear Member,Thank you for your question. The Academy has numerous communication vehicles, both digital and in print, where AAP programs and initiatives are shared. Trustee emailsThe AAPs membership is divided into eight districts, with trustees elected from each to represent that district on the Board. In addition to representing theirWebsiteconstituents, trustees are also responsible for regularly communicating AAP programs and initiatives. ThisThe central hub for AAP members, patients, and is largely done via email in what is referred to as theorganizational stakeholders remains perio.org. The AAP District Digest. Be on the lookout for these regularwebsite will be undergoing a major refresh this summer communications that typically begin with the greeting,making for a cleaner and easier to use interface, both A message from your District Trustees. for AAP members and their patients. All-member newsletters Thank you again for reaching out, and on behalf of the In addition to Trustee communications, the AcademyAcademy, thank you for your membership. regularly sends out digital communications via emailCecil White Jr., DMD, MSDand social media. The AAP has pages on Facebook,District 3 TrusteeLinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. News is alsoBoard of Trusteescommunicated weekly in the e-newsletter This Week in Perio and monthly in AAP News.PublicationsPeriospectives is a quarterly publication filled with member news and stories. In 2020, due to the pandemic, this publication was temporarily only available digitally, but for 2021, it has returned to a print format. The digital version remains availableCall for Officer, District and ABP online. Additionally, the AAP sends out mailings relatedDirector Candidatesto various programs, initiatives, and events.Members interested in elected district office should contact their current District Trustees for Trustee positions and for positions on the Officer Nominating Committee and the Nominating Committee for the American Board of Periodontology. Please visit perio.org for more information.AAP Periospectives| 17'