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b'AAP FOUNDATIONThe AAP Foundation at the AAP Annual MeetingThank you for your support!Thanks to all who engaged with the AAP Foundation at the AAP AnnualDr. Mark K. Setter Leadership in Periodontology And Meeting in Phoenix! Whether you stopped by the booth, donated funds,Dental Implantology Awardbid on the Silent Auction, or attended a meeting or event, we appreciateJulia Shelbourn, University of Texas Health and Science you all. Without the support of people like you, the AAP FoundationCenter at San Antoniowould not be able to award more than $300,000 annually to support periodontal education, research, and excellence.Educator ScholarshipFarahnaz Fahimipour, University of North CarolinaThis years Silent Auction was a resounding success. The AAPat Chapel HillFoundation is grateful to the nearly 40 companies and individuals thatDavid T. Wu, Harvard Universitydonated goods and services to the auction. This years event raised $40,000 that will support the Foundations mission. Kramer Scholar AwardDrs. Rios, Gajendrareddy, Ravida, and Bertolini demonstrated the returnLarissa Steigmann, University of Michiganon donor investment at the 2022 Future Horizons in PeriodontologyLevi Research Awardsession, a very well-attended study of Emerging Concepts in Dental Implant Science and Practice. Ambassadors and student ambassadorsEric Lee, University of California San Franciscojoined Foundation leadership to brainstorm ideas for the coming year atNevins Teaching and Clinical Research Fellowshipthe 2022 Ambassador Breakfast.Lorenzo Tavelli, University of MichiganThe AAP Foundation again collaborated with the AAP to recognizeNevins BioHorizons Fellowshiprecipients of AAP and AAP Foundation awards at a moving awards ceremony. Immediately following the ceremony, we celebrated with newKevin W. Luan, University of Illinois Chicagoaward recipients and AAPF donors who had given at least $1,500 eachThe AAP Foundation Schoor Research Awardat the AAP Foundation Donor Appreciation Reception. With southwesternShayan Barootchi, University of Michiganflavors and upbeat jazz, donors enjoyed an evening to remember under the stars. Our thanks to Pacific Dental Services for their leadTarrson Fellowshipsponsorship of this event. Lea El Hachem, University of Texas Health Science CenterOnce again, Treloar & Heisel sponsored a fascinating Estate Planningat San AntonioBreakfast, with presentations from Otto Shill, III, a partner in theTeaching FellowshipJennings Strouss law firm and a well-respected estate planning attorney,Daniel Clark, University of Pittsburghand Shawn Johnson from Treloar & Heisel Wealth Management. Our thanks to them for an informative session with actionable steps.Matthew R. Mason, University of North Carolinaat Chapel HillOur congratulations to all 2022 AAP Foundationaward recipients: Scholarship to the Institute for Teaching & LearningDr. D. Walter Cohen Teaching Award Tannaz Z Malekzadeh, A.T. Still UniversityLan-Lin Chiou, Indiana University Andrea Ravid, University of MichiganMuhammad Saleh, University of MichiganDr. Colin Richman and Family Perio-Ortho Interface Award Samar Shaikh, Tufts UniversityAhmed R. El-Awady, Augusta University Yi-Chu Wu, Columbia UniversityDr. James T. Mellonig Regeneration Research AwardJacob Zellner, University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioAAP Periospectives| 50'