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b' Work cooperatively with the Managing Editor at the AAPApplication Processand with the Academys publisher to develop strategiesEach candidate should submit:to attract and retain authors, expand content, and elevate citation metrics, and to implement best practices in A cover letter highlighting interest and qualifications for the position.scholarly publishing.A curriculum vitae, including a publication list. Handle ethical issues in close collaboration with the An analysis (not to exceed three pages) of the Journal of publisher. Periodontology and Clinical Advances in Periodontics, to includeDevelop key performance indicators with the publisher toan assessment of current content and format, recommendations assess performance of the journals and editorial team onfor change, potential innovations, and the applicants vision for the a regular basis. journals and approach to achieve those outcomes. Participate in meetings with representatives of the The names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of Academy to address organizational and editorial needs;three references.meet with Associate Editors regularly via conference A statement from the applicants institution or organization call; and convene the Editorial Boards of the Journal ofdescribing support for the appointment, as applicable.Periodontology and Clinical Advances in Periodontics each year at the Academys Annual Meeting or virtually. Applications and associated materials should be submitted Serve as an ex officio member of the Academys Board ofonline at www.perio.org/research-science/editor-in-chief-Trustees and attend all Board of Trustees meetings. application. Receipt of applications will be confirmed, and applications will be held in strict confidence.Compensation DeadlineThe Academy will offer the successful candidateTo be assured of consideration, applications must be received nocommensurate compensation, including support for locallater than February 1, 2023.administrative staff.Term of Appointment TimelineThe Academy will contract with the successful candidate forThe AAP Board of Trustees has selected Michael Reddy, DMD,an initial three-year appointment, which can be consideredto chair a 10-member Editor Search Task Force, empowered to for extension by mutual agreement. identify and recommend a new editor to the AAP Board of Trusteesin May 2023.InquiriesQuestions about the Editor-in-Chiefs position and the search process can be directed to: Julie Daw, Managing Editor, American Academy of PeriodontologyTelephone: 800.282.4867 ext. 3224or 312.573.3224 E-mail: julie@perio.orgAAP Periospectives| 37'