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b'A YEAR IN REVIEWHave something innovative to share?2023 Annual Meeting: Call for Innovations in Periodontics abstractsThe Continuing Education Oversight Committee (CEOC)in Periodontics, this is the forum to present a philosophy, is soliciting presentations that address advances inideology, or thought, rather than a case presentation.clinical periodontics, basic sciences, or related subjects for the Innovations in Periodontics program for theIndividual presentation abstract submission procedure:109 thAnnual Meeting to be held Nov. 9-12, 2023, Abstracts will be subjected to a blind review and scoring in Austin, at the Austin Convention Center. Theseby members of the CEOC.sessions will consist of 15-minute presentations. A Presenters will be informed of the committees decision five-minute question-and-answer period will followin spring 2023.each lecture. Presenters can submit as many abstracts as they would There will be four sessions offered: like. However, no one can present more than once.Advances in Periodontics: These two sessionsYou will need to provide the following information about are intended to showcase clinical advances and/oryour presentation:translational research with direct application to patient care. The target speaker is anyone who has a validated The title, which should be 10 words or fewer, and not innovation to share. Individual and team-basedinclude brand names or acronymspresentations are welcome for this session. Why this presentation is innovativeRising Stars: This session is intended for speakers How your presentation impacts practicing periodontistsin practice 10 years or less following post-graduate Which of the following topics it covers:training. The selected candidates will receive training to Emerging Concepts and Innovative Therapiespresent their material in a brief live or virtual platform showcase.Implant Surgery and Prosthetic RehabilitationPerio Open Mic: This session is a platform to Interdisciplinary Therapy (ortho, endo, restorative)present a pivotal concept, perspective, or paradigm-Leadership, Personal and Practice Developmentshifting philosophy. The target presenter is a mid- to Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, and Oral Diagnosislate-career periodontal clinician or scientist with a Periodontal and Systemic Interrelationshipsvalidated innovation to showcase. Unlike Advances AAP Periospectives| 12'