b'A YEAR IN REVIEWVirtual district town hall updateThe fall Town Halls were a success! The virtual setting allowed members to connect directly with their trustees from across the nation and the world. Out of all participants surveyed, 89% agreed they were able to connect with their trustees in a meaningful way. With a total of over 360 participants across both the spring and fall, members were what made these Town Halls successful. This is your platform to engage directly with your District Trustees and have your opinions heard! Consider discussing local advocacy initiatives that are important to you. The AAP hears you, based on Town Hall responses and member support, the Academy contributed $10,000 to the Massachusetts Dental Care Providers for Better Dental Benefits- a direct example of how you can make a difference by being involved. Keep an eye on the Academys social media, your email, and the perio.org website for future Town Hall dates. They will typically take place in the spring and fall. AAP Periospectives| 14'